In General...
The 12 Sisters is a squad of hitwomen created by Johann himself using "Appleseed", Johann's invention that initially seeks peace to the war in Eunomia, however, it's true purpose is to generate military force for the government; using corpses as soldiers. In Johann's desperation to revive his sisters, he used this technology but without eliminating his sisters' hearts. Machine in the outside but still woman in the inside.
The 12 Sisters
These "Sisters" of Johann are Androids that consist his own hit squad. They are named after the months of the Gregorian Calendar. The technological generations in which they were built are reflects their apparent ages.
January belongs to Johann's first generation of Androids. She's very eager when it comes to battle and is obviously a "blood seeker" when engaged in combat. Although she has a bad temper, she displays all of women's excellent personalities whenever she's around Johann. January is the most dangerous and most powerful of all the 12 Sisters.
When it comes to combat, January is your worst enemy...
February belongs to Johann's second generation of Androids. She's obviously the Sisters' field strategist and navigator. She doesn't possess any weapon but she has the ability to access any data and hack into different servers whenever she wants to.
Who says strategists are only meant for thinking? Not her...
March belongs to Johann's second generation of Androids She's the team's squad destroyer based on her ability to clear out enemy troops in just a few rounds. Although March wields a FN Minimi Machine Gun, she still prefers hand-to-hand combat.

Don't ever dare to stand in her line of fire...
April belongs to Johann's first generation of Androids. She's undoubtedly the leader of the 12 Sisters and the powerhouse of Johann's squad. She holds the Sisters' most powerful weapon: "The Lambda Drive". With April connecting all the Sisters together in one link, they make a powerful team of assassins. April long before, shows affections for Johann, however because of Johann's alterations, she can't express any emotion except anger. In the end of the series, she succeeded Johann's task for her: converting Eunomia to an Eden once again using Appleseed.
Once you're caught, she'll never stop dragging you to hell...
May belongs to Johann's first generation of Androids. She's the team's primary assault Sister. Given her skills, speed and stamina, you'll regret that she became your enemy. Although she has a boyish attitude, she still has a good side that connects her deeply to her Sisters. March plays an important part in incapacitating an enemy squadron's force. With her French SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun, she promises a one shot, one kill process.

How many can you kill in just a few seconds? Well?...
June belongs to Johann's second generation of Androids She's a quiet and inexpressive girl who's similar to May only that she wears men's clothing. June doesn't possess any firearm but she carries different throwing knives and hunting machete. This only means that she's either leaving her victim full of deep cuts or torn apart.
Which would you prefer die with bullets or die with blades?
Either way, it will still be painful...
July belongs to Johann's second generation of Androids. July always seem sweet and harmless plus she was seen just smiling all throughout the series. Weird as it may seem, it truly is. Even while engaged in a combat her facial expression never changes. As the deaths of her victims show up to her, she will always remain so happy. She wields a Japanese Katana and finishes off her victims the same way as June does, only more brutal...
It's not nice to see your blood splattered in the face of an angel...
Or maybe, she's not an angel...
August belongs to Johann's third generation of Androids She's a cute girl and sometimes she's very childish. Her size makes her unfit to carry any artillery weapons but she carries weapons that are far more dangerous than firearms: Her Model 24 Still-hand grenades. With her grenades, she's able to destroy enemy vehicles making her the team's demolitions woman...
This girl will literary blow your pants off...
September belongs to Johann's first generation of Androids. September is the main support hitwoman of the team and occasionally, she's one of the team's assault Sisters. In an episode of the series, September was depicted to have a close relationship with January after her death. She carries an M14 rifle with an M7 Bayonet and uses them as her primary weapons...
One shot and you'll see nothing but darker than black...
October, November and December
October, November and December belong to Johann's third generation of Androids. These three are identical sisters who appear to be just around five years old. They have almost no difference at all including their Heckler & Koch MP5 weapons are identical. Their only difference is the color of their backpacks. Aside from the use of weapons this triplets possess a superhuman strength and use it as one of their primary weapons...
You won't believe it if one of these little sisters would kill you...
You won't be able to tell who did it...