Sunday, October 11, 2009

Romeo And Juliet

Ever felt like being In love with something or someone? Even though, the two of you are so apart from each other... Yet you still strive to bridge your gap... Well if you ask me, I've experienced it already...

This is the story of my encounter with Juliet, well let's just say the name is confidential...

During the verge of April 2009 I've longed to see another performance and another song for me to play. However, there is a hindrance... The entrance exams for college... After then I've been studying to give myself a chance to enter one of the Major Universities. Then after each of my studies I make sure that I practice a lot for the incoming Piano Concerto... Then I was shocked! I don't have a legitimate piece yet to play...  But its good there is Internet but the problem is most of the time I'm not home... So I try computer shops. It's convenient but... ( It sucks because it's malayo... )

Anyway let's head to the computer shop... In there I downloaded and printed my chosen pieces... Valse Op. 64 No. 1 of Frederick Chopin and Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 of Franz Liszt. Then I heard these girls talking about me... Telling that they saw my Friendster account... Not to brag but that time I thought I'm famous but It appeared that I was wrong. So I just pretended that I didn't hear anything.  Then the next day after I entered our campus I saw my Piano teacher talking to 2 new students ( I guess... ) so I came through them and walla! I was introduced by my teacher... To those 2 girls... Then coincidence happened! Those new students were the girls I heard from the computer shop. They are Annabelle Mercado and Liza Torres... Two Pianists... Two girls...

- So as the story progresses the main topic begins to fade away... The Romeo and Juliet Story is missing... Anyway soon you'll find out...

After meeting those girls I immediately head to my practice... After performing a few pieces someone came in... Surprisingly it was Annabelle Mercado... Nothing special happened besides chat... ( deny deny! ) while chatting she told me that she doesn't know anything about piano... She's slow in reading notes and not able to use all her fingers specially the 4th and 5th finger because normally they are weak... But it gets stronger as you practice using them. So there you go I became a teacher... Weeks after we met I began giving her extra company in music... Then suddenly our teacher called us to meet the UST Symphony Orchestra... The very Orchestra we will be working with... He introduced everyone to the Orchestra and their Conductor Dr. Manuel Casas who just came from flight No. 7445477463 - 24754637. Also known as Philippine Airlines. So after that we practiced more and more together with the orchestra.

Then there came the schedule for the UPCAT 2010 ( University of the Philippines College Attainment Test 2010 ) scary because it's on August 1, 2009. So since then I struggled balancing my studies, my music and my time for Annabelle Mercado. I was so pressured because of each ones expectations... From parents, school of music and a girl. But I'm okay now... So far I'm not failing to attend on each agenda. Now my solid goal is to graduate, prevent failures and be happy! So there, that's my story until now...

- So let's just say I'm Romeo in the story for the sake of being a male character... ( hmhmhmhm ) and I will ask you, in the story who is Juliet? My Studies, My Music or The Girl in the Story? It's up to you to decide... For you to answer this question post your answer as a comment to my profile and don't forget to view my page and my blog Romeo and Juliet as well... See yah!


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