Thursday, February 25, 2010

The 12 Sisters Part I

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  - After Johann successfully revived his dying sisters he entrusted the 12 to Madame Marciano, one of his legal guardians to be his sisters' foster parent. Johann's dying body caused him to leave his sisters and his important belongings behind. One of these things is the Appleseed.


        It was daybreak when a diabolic icon was created within Eunomia, an Eden for the Human and Cybernetic race where they lived in harmony. That icon was the "Appleseed". Johann's parents and Madame Marciano took their chance in developing the young prodigy's work...

 Looking at the city, it's already dark due to smoke of incenerations...

        Appleseed was created at that time when Johann's parents discovered his creation. This small piece of device in a form of pendant is a tool that will be used to generate military power for the government to stop the war. The only thing that they don't know is that Appleseed poses a big threat to Eunomia.

Appleseed, an icon that promises life or death...

        People with resembled parts then roamed freely in the different parts of Eunomia and most of them came from the government military. People believed that by the use of Appleseed, battles and wars will stop. In that idea, they were dead wrong...

 Humans are identical, but does identity applies to Androids as well?

        Due to never ending wars that constantly strike Eunomia, Madame Marciano decided to confront the city's major problem. But, for her to pin down the conflict she must first go through the Eye of the Storm...

Either Johann or the Appleseed causes this war...

        Madame Marciano quickly took this chance to assault his house and seek for the Appleseed. She brutally murdered all of his sisters in hopes of seeing him use his Appleseed and she was not disappointed. The murder of Johann's sisters are planned but Madame Marciano's intentions are both black and white...

 Burn them to the ground, that's what Madame Marciano's talking about...

- In Johann's desperation, he used the Appleseed to revive his dying sisters; he died within the process, however, the real concept and use of Appleseed does not involve Johann's idea of reviving his sisters. What is the real concept? Continue to the next page.

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