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Daniel and Norica became close again after Norica’s drastic transformation. The whole company came back from its down fall but they had another problem after Alice’s plan was commenced. She masterminded the scorching of The Lady Rosso and Norica’s house.
I'll burn down the Red Woman to bring back what's mine. I only pray for him to be safe...
Everything was burned down and nothing was left. In this situation, anyone would break down but Norica showed her skills that are more than the limit. She rebuilt her family’s house and The Lady Rosso building from scratch.
Even The Lady Rosso didn't survive the fire...
Everything was set for the grand finale but Norica was again slowed down after she got sick and bed ridden. Norica stayed in the hospital for about a month and after this she experienced a lot of changes in her self both inside and out. The girl finally became a woman. She even saw Johann before waking up in the hospital. After this she stood up and begun her long run.

I've never seen anything like this before. It must be a biological transmutation!
After Norica experienced a Biological Transmutation, Alice confessed her inconsiderable actions against Norica, The Lady Rosso and her family. After forgiveness, Norica and Alice became good partners in the world of fashion. They built a different Icon of fashion.
I'm the mastermind behind your downfall Norica... Please end my shame!
In the close end of the series, Norica and Mikuru “Miki” Asahina took huge steps in building the expectations of Norica's parents. Together they built “The Lady Rosso Fashion Stadium” as the center of all fashion and the place were all designers meet. They even restarted the Red Label designs and featured their designs in the final runway.

Mikuru: "Ms. Norica, please don't leave me in the fashion world alone. I still want to learn and work for you"...
Finally Norica showed all of her fierce designs and proved everyone of her critics wrong. She reached her parent’s expectations and created a legacy among all women. Norica became the new “Lady Rosso”. In the epilogue of the series Johann came back to his family. The von Linnen family was united once again and Norica’s family name was not anymore von Linnen but van Weinberg…

The world of fashion reminds me of childhood memories... That's right, I'm "The Lady Rosso"...
- Norica pushed through after all the challenges that faced her. Her father returned to her after her suspicions about his plan... Years after, Norica continued her journey in the Fashion World. In her years of living, she created a legacy that will never fade. It just proves that the beauty of a Red Woman will never vanish...
- xoxo The Lady Rosso ...
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that was..really nice
i like it
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