Friday, November 20, 2009

Scarlett Johansson

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- Scarlett Johansson displays fierce yet meaningful designs. This company originated from the Van Ginossen family's business groups. Alice leads this company. Like her, this company has garments to sink your teeth into...

Alice van Ginossen

        - In Alice's first appearance, she was shown to be the rival of Norica in the world of fashion and in love for Gino. At first she was the main antagonist of the series however, it changed in the late episodes of the series. She was engaged to Gino due due to family, political, economical and selfish reasons. Though she showed genuine feelings for Gino, her feelings were never returned. After she became a partner of Norica she started to show more of her beautiful "X" factors that made the Lady Rosso surge forward.

Now and then when I see his face my memories take me away to a special place and if I stared too long I'd probably break down and cry... 

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