Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shakugan No Shana OVA: Reshuffle!

         Yuji and Shana came out to find the Hunter’s (Friagne's) keep. They came out to find whatever it is that they need to find, probably some Hougu of the Hunter. As they continue their search, Yuji found a mysterious Hougu in the pile of The Hunter’s treasures. It was some sort of telescope that Yuji found. Later on they found out that the Hougu was the “Reshuffle”. 

First They were looking for something that looks like an old furniture (ergh!)

       Yuji mistakenly used the Reshuffle by looking through it aiming at Shana. Their identities swapped after his stupid mistake of using it. He didn’t know at first but after they spoke, they knew they were in big trouble. At first they were at panic because Shana and Yuji were swapped in their opposite bodies. Yuji became Shana and Shana became Yuji. Although I thought it was cute!

Who is Who? Shana... Yuji... oh no...

Alastor, are you okay? Is there a problem... Oh no, don't tell me!

        Alastor spoke on how to reverse the effect, and it was simple! All they needed to do was to use the Reshuffle one more time. But as they tried doing the solution, people whom they knew were always around. It’s like problems are constantly chasing them. Like the first encounter, when Eita and Keisaku came after buying Ice Cream! Shana (in Yuji’s body) ate all of the Ice Cream which will cause a problem later on…

Cover it, cover It!

Go on fake it... But you can't hide the truth!

        As the episode progresses, different people are starting to show up, and as Yuji try his best to adapt to a girl’s body, things are starting to show up for Shana (Panty Singularities!) anyway, their second encounter was with Margery Daw… (I forgot to mention that no one and I mean NO ONE! Is allowed to know about Yuji and Shana’s Current situation…) and as usual! Margery is up for the grabs… she’s still drinking till her brain is down!

Margery, look at her, drinking around grabbin' her you know what, flippin' to you know who, yeah but she's so cute though!...

         Their third encounter was with their classmates! Yuji (in Shana’s body) suggested that they give solution to the problem in the school, were nobody goes on Sunday. However, the problem is not that it’s Sunday but the stupid schedule of the volleyball game (why does it have to be Sunday!). They entered the class room and found the Ladies!!! Shana (in Yuji’s Body) opened the door and got plumped…

All these chicks started yellin'; all the hot babes, throwin' their bras, their shirts and their panties on me...

Dude, I just think you're tryin' to steal the light from me!

        Their fourth encounter was with Ms. Wilhelmina Carmel (oh no…) Wilhelmina has the knowledge that Shana will look out for the Hunter’s keep alone not with Yuji. Her face got all suspicious and came after them, asked them: Why? Then a fight has been unleashed!

Look at me! This is how I spoil my Yaya!

Yuji (in Shana's body): I hope it worked!, Shana (in Yuji's body): You're such a loser Yaya!...

        Then, their last hope was going to Yuji’s room where it is much safer (take note that it is Sunday… which means his mother is home). They came in and Yuji (in Shana’s body) saw Shana (in Yuji’s body) falling apart. She wobbled in her feet as the Reshuffle destroys her power of existence. And of course Yuji’s mother showed up.

Guess who's back, back again. Yuji's back, tell a friend!

        Yuji (in Shana’s body) came upstairs and saw Shana (in Yuji’s body) already exhausted because of the Reshuffle’s effect. Yuji (in Shana’s body) then came up with a stupid solution, to look for the Hougu once again. Shana’s stuff came falling from above as Yuji (in Shana’s body) attempted his own solution. Yuji’s Mother came upstairs to check, but to stop this; Shana (in Yuji’s body) made a Fuzetsu.

Now this looks like a job for me, so hold on Shana and follow me, cause we need a little controversy, cause it feel so empty without me!

I forgot to tell something really happened! So this must mean I'm disgusting. But it's just me I'm just obscene!

        After the trouble of finding the Reshuffle, Yuji and Shana were back to their original bodies. While the Fuzetsu is still up, Yuji had a stomach ache because of the Ice creams that Shana ate in the previous scenes. So he came running down to the toilet…

Stomach ache anyone?

Shana: Please don't say that, I feel bad for him...

        Alastor explained the bad effect of the Reshuffle. He stated that the hearts of the 2 individuals that are swapped must not have a "wall". This only means trouble for anyone who'll use it.

Shana: I said stop it! You're embarrassing me.

OP Sequence:

The song was "Prohpecy" sung by non other that Mami Kawada! Her songs really match this anime...

Shana has matured a lot in this season. I love it!

ED Sequence:

The song was "All In Good Time" sung by Mami Kawada. She's really loyal to this anime isn't she?

This time it's going to be interesting!

Stay with us till the end and I'll tell you the other stories... Again this is the Lady Rosso telling you to keep up with us!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Lady Rosso: Concorrenza al relativo Meglio!

The world of fashion is a huge place, a playground for talented people. But what happens when a genius meets a prodigy? Let’s find out!

        8:00 am in the morning when young Johann watches news in the television. He wondered why there are several casualties that’s going on around the place. If you think that’s weird, wait until I told you that all those casualties were rich people… (yeah baby!) His parents asked him about that situation, when someone’s going after him. Johann replied, “I’m just an ordinary kid, why will I be their target? Besides I live in an ordinary family, I’m not rich…” His parents asked him “What If?”. Johann said, “I’ll get to it somehow”. Then he’s gone off to school. To tell you the truth, that was the last time he saw his parents…

        Years later, Johann grew up. Going back from school he saw Ms. Carmel packing up his and his parent’s belongings. Johann asked, “What are you doing Ms. Carmel?” He didn’t know that his stuffs are being packed because he’ll be fetched by his “RICH GRAMPS!” Soon he saw his grand father, telling him to be careful from now on because he’s rich. Because when you have all the riches and power, danger will always be there to accompany you. But his grand father’s main task for Johann is to choose between his 2 professions: Music and Fashion.

        Soon Johann decided to take the world of fashion. Later on he met Ms. Seika, (Ms. Hojoin Seika is the owner and head designer of Saint Rose, a very popular brand). At first the two were like cats and dogs, but after several episodes they became very very close (especially when they were on the Casino Cruiser of Mr. Van Argiano (pr.Arzhiano) in the middle of the sea and were caught in danger). In the middle of the end the two joined the world’s “Project Runway” Competition. During the competition they used all Johann’s series of designs called “The Red Woman”.

        If there’s a prime lover, there’s also the hard lover. Johann’s dedicated secretary in the Von Linnen Designs was Hermione de Borromeo. Although her job doesn’t fit her internal personality, she’s one loaded pistol with a very deadly caliver! In the middle of the series she showed deep feelings for Johann, and although she was not chosen in the end, she’s still dedicated to him (wow Lady!).  There were several episodes that showed her past works for Johann and they were great.

 There were also different characters, but the story purely focused on the three.

        3 Episodes Before the end, Johann was separated from Seika because Johann’s grand father gave him his own schedule of Piano Concerto, which in the end Johann didn’t like. Although Hermione was with him during his Piano Concerto Tour he still chose to be with Seika and continue what the’ve won in the Project Runway Competition.

        The Last Episode showed all the beautiful scenes! First off, Johann returned to England to break his grand father’s contract with him. Then later on he visited the country of Flemish to visit the grave of his parents. After that he returned to Japan where Ms. Seika is. After he stepped foot on the ground of the airport, he quickly sought the office building, there he saw the new brand: “The Lady Rosso” (The Red Woman), the new brand that they’ve won. Soon Johann came after Seika, asked her hand and the two were married. Their daughter’s name was Maria Norica von Linnen.


        Norica continued her parent’s works for fashion. As she was also a prodigy, she designed more for the brand The Lady Rosso. There is also a partner for Norica in the fashion world, however his name was not mentioned. She also has a dedicated secretary but was not mentioned as well. Johann soon found out the culprit who kills rich people, although he wants vengeance, he left him to the authorities of the von Linnen…

The images of Norica don’t seem to match the series, well it’s because the character design is for season 2!

Informations and Terminologies:

The Red Woman: Johann’s series of fashion works that later on, became a brand.

The Lady Rosso: The new brand name that was legalized after winning the competition. This name is under Johann and Seika.

Project Runway: The most glamorous and prestigious fashion competition held every after year. The winner will posses a new brand that could come from the designers themselves.

Episode 15: Hermione and Seika started their competition for Johann, the score was 2:3.

Episode 16: Hermione won the Las Vegas against Seika.

Episode 17: Seika won the Casino Cruiser against Hermione.

Episode 20: Seika won against Hermione being chosen as Johann’s partner in the Project Runway.

Episode 23: Hermione won against Seika when Johann made his Piano Concerto.

Episode 26: Seika won the final round because she was married to Johann.

Not only this anime is extreme, it’s one of the best I’ve ever seen. I’ve heard that there will be Season 2… Can’t wait! Don’t worry, I’ll tell it to you soon...


How does it feel to be "Glamorous"? To feel Rich and Famous, when you know you started from being simple… Let’s find out!

        10 years after Johann started schooling, Johann already turned as a senior of his school Ashford Academy. As expected, the school year never starts without different opening ceremonies. In Johann’s anticipation, he turned out to be one of the higher seniors. Johann took his first steps inside the classroom. He was warmly welcomed in his environment. And as he started checking his belongings, the bell rang…

- The name Johann seems so familiar. That’s right! It’s because I’ve been seeing this pen name on my different blogs. I’ve seen him been acquainted with different types of series since the birth of my anime interest. He’s kind of like “Gossip Girl”.

         Unlike normal schools, Ashford Academy doesn’t hold or commence any flag ceremonies or morning praises. Well as I’ve been saying let’s go back to the story. Unexpectedly became the class representative he fully took the responsibility head on. At first, he was not expecting anything at all, but he was wrong.
Several challenges struck him, but it didn’t tear him apart, still together! Manually he changed his super tight fitted class to a normal social environment. In a tip over he soon realized that his class is slowly transforming (Good!).

           In the series he was also involved in different competitions. But let us not focus on that.
Different projects were already submitted for the student body to prevent misconduct of students especially exams. During the discussions and quizzes, Johann never fails, the opposite happens during the exam, (As if he’s trying his best to fail!). Later on he was called by their adviser Ms. Fasalina (pr. Faselina) for counseling because of his almost dropped grades.

- If you can just see in the series, several teachers are already treating him as a headache because of his results.

            Half passed the series; Johann had this kind of sense of future in the net. He was unconsciously walking in the threads of life by that time. A serious event happened in his life (Peripeteia) during his days with her, ok… let’s reveal her, she’s the opposite of Hojoin Seika in the Lady Rosso.

            In the end of the first semester he was practically torn out of his freedom. Because of stupid tradition his freely married life wouldn’t be an outburst. He was pulled out of school in the end. Not because of his grades but because of little miss perfect.

            The third quarter of the school became lonely because their precious class representative was gone. But later on in the series that started in episode 19 he came back with his blonde girlfriend (Little Miss Perfect) whom he was practically engaged. By the time he faced his former class he knew that everything will end.

- He was visited by different teachers especially Ms. Fasalina, who evaluated him and seen exceptional results. Johann also described all of his achievements and told every little story he had with “her”.

- Johann’s words and comparison about The Blonde and Brunette was my favorite. Later on I’ll make a blog about it. Anyway...

               In the beginning of the fourth quarter he came back. He took his third quarter lessons of Ashford Academy in Russia and took the exams there. Johann turned out to be an exception in terms of his problem manipulation and techniques in answering or solving arithmetic problems. Abroad, he realized all of his capacities and decided to come back to his former school and study with the last quarter with hiss built-in skills.

               His appearances changed, all of them! He gained every little thing a young man would look. Unlike in the first 15 episodes. The teachers that are insulting him (not the schoolmates) now respect him because of his justifications about different subjects.

               In the end of the series he made a farewell party for everyone to commemorate everything that he had with his former school. That was the last episode and it was sad!

- Watch out for the next of this: "The Blonde and The Brunette" and Maria! Also look out for the next update of "The Lady Rosso: Il Rossa Contrassegno"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 In C Minor

At last it’s finished… Our long awaited day of reckoning… ( well not really ). As each of us performers entered the stage we gave it all… Our passion, determination and desires to bring forth a magnificent set of Piano Concerto…

But what really happened before and during the Concerto? Obviously after the Concerto we will be enjoying ourselves for a night party… So what really happened?

Well… It started first on the day before the Concerto:

The members of Society of Young Musicians Manila first checked everything that’s necessary for the Concerto… Kind of making tune ups for the engine before a race. We checked everything including the chairs looking for some liters under them… Although some of the work we did are not really necessary like setting up Microphones in the stage and seating arrangements for the orchestra… It’s not really our job… Then after were finished placing everything in position we made our last general rehearsals…

Of course we followed our performance plan… Who goes first, next and last…Our Virtuoso Pianist Section and Violinists aren’t really interesting… Including me… Because it’s just plain music… Our main purpose is to accomplish our very first Piano Concerto… We are just a part of it… Like some kind of opening performances ( asungot for short ). Yes… After each rehearsals, then did the pressure came to all of us.
As the story progresses… Let’s recap some previous facts from my previous blog…

Do you remember Annabelle Mercado? Forget about her piano styles… Just bang her music! we didn’t know that natural talents come unnoticed. She’s like a DJ radio with a lot of song to play… Kind of a Mad Playlist… Check that out… Each and after our rehearsals she comes with us and sing a lot of song… Then dance and a lot of Head Bangs! ( xa ung dahilan kung bakit ako nabading nung kalagitnaan nang mga rehearsals… ay bading!!!! ) Yes. And so we continued to our main Story… The Performance Night!
Everyone’s glamorous in each of their outfits and style… Someone call it Hell but to me it was Heaven ( WO Yeah! ) so like we planned we will meet at the  Rondevu point where we will be setting aside every regrets, pressure and nerves… So during the performance we won’t have any regrets… ( no back down MAMA! ) So then we performed and became happy with our results.

Though there are some mistakes, they are unnoticable. ( it’s okay… ) so then came my  came, give it all out and defied all odds… ( Go for Broke! ) then after my turn… A few turns we came to our final set… The Piano Concerto… As Sir Marco gave his preludes and welcomed the UST Symphony orchestra together with Mr. Manuel Casas they Illuminated Our evening ( I want to be like that too! ) anyway everytime I remember that Piano Concerto the pressure for UPCAT 2010 becomes even greater…
So there’s the story… A Piano Concerto, Illuminated Evening and UPCAT 2010…

Romeo And Juliet

Ever felt like being In love with something or someone? Even though, the two of you are so apart from each other... Yet you still strive to bridge your gap... Well if you ask me, I've experienced it already...

This is the story of my encounter with Juliet, well let's just say the name is confidential...

During the verge of April 2009 I've longed to see another performance and another song for me to play. However, there is a hindrance... The entrance exams for college... After then I've been studying to give myself a chance to enter one of the Major Universities. Then after each of my studies I make sure that I practice a lot for the incoming Piano Concerto... Then I was shocked! I don't have a legitimate piece yet to play...  But its good there is Internet but the problem is most of the time I'm not home... So I try computer shops. It's convenient but... ( It sucks because it's malayo... )

Anyway let's head to the computer shop... In there I downloaded and printed my chosen pieces... Valse Op. 64 No. 1 of Frederick Chopin and Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 of Franz Liszt. Then I heard these girls talking about me... Telling that they saw my Friendster account... Not to brag but that time I thought I'm famous but It appeared that I was wrong. So I just pretended that I didn't hear anything.  Then the next day after I entered our campus I saw my Piano teacher talking to 2 new students ( I guess... ) so I came through them and walla! I was introduced by my teacher... To those 2 girls... Then coincidence happened! Those new students were the girls I heard from the computer shop. They are Annabelle Mercado and Liza Torres... Two Pianists... Two girls...

- So as the story progresses the main topic begins to fade away... The Romeo and Juliet Story is missing... Anyway soon you'll find out...

After meeting those girls I immediately head to my practice... After performing a few pieces someone came in... Surprisingly it was Annabelle Mercado... Nothing special happened besides chat... ( deny deny! ) while chatting she told me that she doesn't know anything about piano... She's slow in reading notes and not able to use all her fingers specially the 4th and 5th finger because normally they are weak... But it gets stronger as you practice using them. So there you go I became a teacher... Weeks after we met I began giving her extra company in music... Then suddenly our teacher called us to meet the UST Symphony Orchestra... The very Orchestra we will be working with... He introduced everyone to the Orchestra and their Conductor Dr. Manuel Casas who just came from flight No. 7445477463 - 24754637. Also known as Philippine Airlines. So after that we practiced more and more together with the orchestra.

Then there came the schedule for the UPCAT 2010 ( University of the Philippines College Attainment Test 2010 ) scary because it's on August 1, 2009. So since then I struggled balancing my studies, my music and my time for Annabelle Mercado. I was so pressured because of each ones expectations... From parents, school of music and a girl. But I'm okay now... So far I'm not failing to attend on each agenda. Now my solid goal is to graduate, prevent failures and be happy! So there, that's my story until now...

- So let's just say I'm Romeo in the story for the sake of being a male character... ( hmhmhmhm ) and I will ask you, in the story who is Juliet? My Studies, My Music or The Girl in the Story? It's up to you to decide... For you to answer this question post your answer as a comment to my profile and don't forget to view my page and my blog Romeo and Juliet as well... See yah!

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